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"); document.screen.document.close(); setTimeout('greet()',7000); setTimeout("location.href = '#bottom'; document.chatinputform.chatinput.focus();", 1000); } function room(chan){; document.screen.document.write(""); document.screen.document.close(); setTimeout('greet()',6000); setTimeout("location.href = '#bottom'; document.chatinputform.chatinput.focus();", 1000); } function greet(){ Chat.addChannelMessage("/me ¤ ThumpIRCs Cookied Chat ¤ in room #"". IRC found @"); Chat.addChannelMessage("/who"); } function titlescreen(){; document.screen.document.write(""); document.screen.document.close(); } function closescreen(){; document.screen.document.write(""); document.screen.document.close(); setTimeout("location.href = '#top'; document.chatinputform.chatinput.focus();", 1000); } function Cmd () { cmd = document.chatinputform.chatinput.value if (cmd.toLowerCase() == "/refresh") { clear(); change(); } else if (cmd.toLowerCase() == "/off") { clear(); closescreen(); } else if (cmd.toLowerCase() == "") { clear(); Chat.addChannelMessage('/who') } else if (cmd.substring(0,5) == "/join") { clear(); newRm(cmd.substring(6)); return; } else if (cmd.toLowerCase() == "/list") {clear(); alert("Commands:\n/refresh, /off,\n/join + room name,\n/msn = Messenger"); } else if (cmd.toLowerCase() == "/msn") { clear(); openIMPanel() } else if (cmd.toLowerCase() == "afk") { clear(); Chat.addChannelMessage('/me ¤ Away From Keyboard ¤') } else if (cmd.toLowerCase() == "brb") { clear(); Chat.addChannelMessage('/me ¤ Be Right Back ¤') } else if (cmd.toLowerCase() == "bbl") { clear(); Chat.addChannelMessage('/me ¤ Be Back Later ¤') } else if (cmd.toLowerCase() == "lol") { clear(); Chat.addChannelMessage('/me ¤ Laughing Out Loud ¤') } else if (cmd.toLowerCase() == "lmao") { clear(); Chat.addChannelMessage('/me ¤ Laughing My Azz Off ¤') } else if (cmd.toLowerCase() == "ty") { clear(); Chat.addChannelMessage('¤ Thank You ¤') } else if (cmd.toLowerCase() == "yw") { clear(); Chat.addChannelMessage('¤ Your Welcome ¤') } else if (cmd.toLowerCase() == "np") { clear(); Chat.addChannelMessage('¤ No Problem ¤') } else if (cmd.toLowerCase() == "wb") { clear(); Chat.addChannelMessage('¤ Welcome Back ¤') } else { Chat.addChannelMessage(cmd) clear(); } } function openIMPanel(){ Blim.openMessagesPanel() } function addMessage (msg) { txt(msg); document.forms['chatinputform'].elements[ 'chatinput'].value = "" } function txt (msg) { Chat.addChannelMessage(msg) } function clear () { document.forms['chatinputform'].elements[ 'chatinput'].value = "" } function newRm(txt) { if (txt) {; } change(); }

¤ ThumpIRCs Cookied Chat ¤

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